Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Registration is OPEN!

Posters are hung, the word is out and ladies are registering. So don't delay - get your registration filled out and sent in - ASAP.

We are accumulating many great items to give away. You will not be disappointed.

Here is an added bonus for visiting our website and reading this post. Make a comment here, including your name, and you will receive an EXTRA chance for the drawings.

Watch for other posts to win additional chances at these GREAT prizes!

1 comment:

Moms In Need Of Mercy said...

Wow! First comment, hugh?! Better set the bar high :-) I like the blog design and music. Good job. Was fun to read your testimony, Jodi. I think I saw that on your blog awhile back. For those of us who couldn't make it to Chicago, I am excited that the conference is coming to us!! Thanks for all your work organizing it. Looking forward to it!! :) Cheryl