Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 5: No Need to Fear

Scripture Focus: Psalm 27
"... who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the peoples." -Psalm 65:7, NASB

Fear. It's one of the most common struggles we as women battle with. Fear of the future. Fear for our children. Fear of financial loss. Fear of pain. Fear of rejection. Fear of failure. Fear of suffering. Fear of people. Fear of illness. Fear of conflict. Fear of exposure. Fear of relationships. Fear of loneliness. Fear of weight gain. Fear of growing old. Fear of Satan's attacks. Fear of church. Fear for our reputation. Fear of death.

Living in a fallen world with sinful people and depraved conditions, we face multiple opportunities each day to cave in to unhealthy, paralyzing, sinful fear. The only truly healthy fear is the respectful awe that Scripture refers to as the "fear of the Lord."

How do we counteract our fears? How do we deal with life courageously? How do we respond to fearful circumstances in a manner that glorifies God? By being so familiar with His character and His ways that His perfect love casts out all our fear. In other words, the key to overcoming fear is trust. It is not trust in a solution or a formula, but it is an abiding confidence in the character and faithfulness of God.

Our level of fear should be an indication to us of how little or how much we know of God. Our trust level is directly proportional to our level of confidence in Him. And our level of confidence increases as our knowledge of Him (His Name, His character, His power, His actions throughout history, His work in our own lives) increases.

When we truly come to appreciate the fact that the Savior who stood up in a storm-tossed boat to quiet the crashing of thunder and the roaring of wind is the same God who offers refuge to us in the midst of our own storm, we will not fear.

When we really believe that the almighty God who commanded the waters of the Red Sea to be separated in order for His people to pass through is the same loving Father who offers safety in the face of the Enemy's attacks, we will not fear.

When we believe that God is trustworthy, that He does not lie, that He is faithful, that He has all power, and that all He chooses to do is good and right, then we know that as long as we trust in Him we have no need to fear.

Take Time to Reflect
As the time for the True Woman Wyoming conference draws closer, and as you are preparing your heart to hear from God, the Enemy will likely attempt to distract, discourage, or derail you. Rather than responding in fear, cry out in trust to the One who cares for your soul. Meditate on Psalm 27 today.

True Woman Prayer Focus
Because of all the "hats" women wear, preparing for a weekend conference requires time, wisdom, and good planning. Pray for 100+ women as they make final arrangements and get ready to attend the conference. Pray for physical and spiritual protection and for God's enabling and provision on every front. Pray for a spirit of anticipation and readiness to hear from God and to say, "Yes, Lord!"

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