Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 24: Total Abandonment

Scripture Focus: Romans 8:28-30; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16; 5:17-21

“The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” —2 Chronicles 16:9, NASB

“The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” —Henry Varley (D. L. Moody’s life was greatly impacted by this statement.)

What is God’s agenda? He clearly states it in Numbers 14:21: “As I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD” (NASB). Here God is issuing His mandate for believers; His passion and desire is that the whole earth be filled with His glory.

How do we fulfill this mandate?

Ever since Adam and Eve fell from their state of glory, every human being has been born into a state that falls short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We must go through the process of spiritual transformation—new birth—in order to have the capacity of glorifying God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). As we are born again and grow in Christ, we begin to take on the characteristics of His nature, to reflect His attributes to those around us, to become His hands and feet—ministering and offering new life to those we come in contact with. Our single, overriding purpose in life should be to see the whole earth filled with His glory.

Imagine what God could do with and for and through and in a woman who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. Are you willing to be one such woman? Are you willing to say, Yes, Lord, to whatever He asks of you? Are you willing to fulfill your distinctive role and calling as a woman so that the earth can be filled with His glory?

Take Time to Reflect
Prayerfully read through these portions of Scripture: Romans 8:28-30 and 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 and 5:17-21. In what way does your life reflect the reality of God’s presence? How are you fulfilling His mandate of filling the earth with His glory? How can your femininity be used to help further His Kingdom agenda in this world?

How do you respond to the challenge of 2 Chronicles 16:9? If you are motivated to be that “one woman” living in total abandonment to Him, how will you do this? Are there changes that need to be made in order for your life to be in accord with God’s counsel in Scripture for you as a woman?

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for the other women who have joined you online to work through this devotional. Ask God to use the True Woman Wyoming conference as a means of calling out an army of women who will humbly, graciously, and passionately devote their lives to Christ, that all the earth might be filled with His glory.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 25: Glorify God in Your Body

Scripture Focus: Revelation 2-3

"You have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." -1 Corinthians 6:20, NASB

"The female raunch culture of Girls Gone Wild, Sex & the City, Victoria's Secret, and young women who dress for the office like they would for their honeymoon is a direct result of the ideology of third-wave feminism." -Carolyn McCulley*

The dictionary defines raunchy as "smutty, indecent, lecherous." Somehow this description doesn't seem consistent with God's beautiful and noble design for women. Pretending that the church has kept herself unspotted and pure in the midst of our soft-porn modern culture is to be naïve.

First Corinthians 6:20 presents a logical statement. It begins with the factual premise that "you have been bought with a price," referring to the sacrificial atonement of Christ's blood. Then it proceeds to the conclusion that because of what has occurred (our purchase), we should glorify our Purchaser (Christ) in our bodies. Simply put, God paid for you with His own blood-now live like it! Does the church look like a pure, blood-bought bride? Or is she in bed with the raunch culture?

Consider this scene: Your teenage daughter is a picture of virginal beauty and wholesome purity. Then one day she decides that your rules are too oppressive. So she opts to venture out into the wild world of experience, running away from home and breaking your heart. News reaches you that she's been abducted, taken to a foreign country, and sold into slavery. You cannot rest until you rescue her.

Reaching her destination, you discover that the local authorities fear the slave traders and are unwilling to help you. At great expense you hire a local gunman to plan your daughter's escape. In spite of the extreme danger, you insist on accompanying him. As you both approach the building where you believe your daughter is being held against her will, there is an exchange of gunfire and you are struck down. Rapidly losing blood, you crawl to the doorway, where you can see your daughter's profile. One captor lies dying, while the other escapes. As you fall across the threshold, with your last ounce of energy, you whisper your dying words to your daughter: "You're free, honey. Quick-run away! I've paid for your way back home."

Imagine how bizarre it would be for your daughter to respond with a yawn, "Home? Why would I want to do that? I love it here. I'm not going anywhere."

God is on a "search and rescue" mission in this world. How have you responded to His initiative? He wants to use you to join Him in rescuing others' lives!

Take Time to Reflect
Does this story offend your sensibilities? It should. Although such a scene can hardly be imagined, it is no more unthinkable than the thought of Christ's Bride, the Church, being ambivalent toward His redeeming love. Although her deliverance has been made possible at great cost, she prefers to wallow in filth and remain in bondage to her lusts. Read Jesus' addresses to the churches of Revelation 2-3. What stands out to you about Christ's assessment of the condition of the church and about His prescription?

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Like every other segment of society, the church has been affected by the lies and other strategies of Satan. Ask God to awaken the church to her condition and great need. Pray for revival in your own church and throughout Casper and Wyoming.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 26: Living Proof

Scripture Focus: 1 Peter 2

"You are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." -1 Peter 2:9, NASB

Over the past two weeks of seeking God to prepare your heart, are you finding a new focus on who you are in Him? Do you have a fresh appreciation for His love in providing His Son as a sacrifice for you? Aren't you glad He chose you?

Ask yourself this: Why did God choose you? Why would He determine to set His affection on you and purchase you as His own possession? It's mind-boggling to think about, isn't it?!

God told the people of Israel why He chose them. It wasn't because they were holier than others or because they had some special inroad to God. He chose them and redeemed them, simply because He loved them, and so that they might display His grace and faithfulness to the world.

The same goes for us. When our lives fit God's design, when His purposes are being lived out in us, and when others can see the demonstration of His power at work in our lives, then we are showcasing the splendor of who He is.

It works something like this: When the wife who would naturally be a controlling nag begins to be transformed by the grace and power of Christ . . . when the domineering woman surrenders her need to be "in charge" and begins to treat the men in her workplace with kindness and respect . . . when a woman is willing to live counter-culturally in order to fulfill God's role for her life-then the world has living proof of God's reality.

This issue of being God's own possession should settle a lot of our struggles. When we start to grumble and complain about the guidelines of Scripture, we need to stop and remember that we are the Lord's possession-His personal property! That means He has all rights and authority over our lives. He knows best; we don't. The recognition that we belong to Him should move us to wave the white flag of surrender and say, Yes, Lord!

Take Time to Reflect
Do you picture yourself as independent and in charge of your life? Do you struggle with the fact that you are God's possession, or does that fact bring you a sense of comfort and delight? In what ways can others see the living proof of God's reality in your life? What practical evidence has there been in your life this week that you belong to God?Meditate on 1 Peter 2. Allow the example of Christ, His reaction to suffering, and the role that He took in securing you for His possession to give you a greater appreciation for Him. Thank Him for choosing you as His possession, and ask Him to use you in proclaiming His excellence. Determine to demonstrate living proof of God's reality.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for the team of ladies planning the True Woman Wyoming event. Please pray that they are refreshed and encouraged by the Lord's presence. Ask that God would to give them His sustaining grace in these final weeks before the conference begins. Ask Him to pour out His blessing on their lives for diligent and humble service.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 27: Blood Redemption

Scripture Focus: 1 Peter 1

". knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ." -1 Peter 1:18-19, NASB

"In the Bible, differentiated roles for men and women are never traced back to the fall of man and woman into sin. Rather, the foundation of this differentiation is traced back to the way things were in Eden before sin warped our relationships. Differentiated roles were corrupted, not created, by the fall. They were created by God." -John Piper

The harmony and union God created for man and woman to experience was broken with the fall of mankind in the garden. That's when the battle of the sexes began! The first couple became alienated, blaming one another and hiding in shame.

The roles God had designed for each one became distorted. And ever since the Fall, men and women have been tempted to react in ways that distort the beauty and design of God's created order.

The biblical ideal for the man is to demonstrate humble, loving headship. But the temptation for the man is to react in one of two extremes: passivity or aggression. The man can become an extreme wimp or a domineering tyrant.

The biblical ideal for the woman is joyful, intelligent submission. But because of the distortions brought about since the Fall, she can also react in the extremes of passivity or aggression. This can result in her either living as a doormat or boldly usurping the man's headship.These role distortions and extremes make it impossible for us to enjoy the kind of relationships God intended within marriage and between men and women. Mercifully, through Jesus, we have been redeemed from this futile way of life. Because of His redemptive work on the Cross, we can now experience true unity and intimate fellowship, and we can fulfill His purpose for our lives as women. We are not left in bondage to our fallen desires.

Jesus is the Lamb of God who was slain to deliver us from the mess we had made, to reverse the effects of the Fall. When we receive what He has done, we become living examples of His grace, filling the earth with His glory.

Take Time to Reflect
First Peter 1 gives a beautiful description of Jesus' payment for us. He set us free from bondage to the role distortions produced by the Fall. Do you know that you've truly been set free because of His blood that was shed for you? Why don't you take the time to write out a description of the way this occurred in your life, then spend some moments thanking Him for His work on the Cross.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for women who will be at the True Woman Wyoming conference who are struggling with gender distortions brought on by the Fall, whether it affects their marriage, hinders their ability to work well with men, is causing difficulty in their relationships with their sons, or perhaps has even caused gender confusion that no one knows about.

Pray for a spirit of humility, forgiveness, and grace for women who have been deeply wronged by men and who may have put up walls or responded in bitterness. Pray that the Word and Spirit of God will bring spiritual and emotional healing where that is needed, and will help women "bring every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV).

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 28: Sacrifice Required

Scripture Focus: Romans 3
The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." -Genesis 3:21, NASB

Imagine the scene in the garden. Prior to the Fall, everything operated in perfect harmony. Formed by the masterful hand of God, creation displayed a beauty unknown to those born since the Fall. All creation danced in a song of praise for the Creator; the animal kingdom knew no fear of man; there existed no concept of pain or death. The earth was full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. But one act of disobedience changed all that and threw all of creation into a state of corruption and groaning (Romans 8:20-22).

Adam and Eve's disobedience in the garden was not a mere flirtation with sin-it was an act of high treason against the Creator. The holy God, the Provider and Sustainer, the Just and Merciful, the Giver of all good things-spurned. His instructions disregarded. His commandment rebelled against.

The penalty for treason had to be paid. Blood would be shed. Death would now enter the perfect garden. If we stood as observers, what would we have witnessed? Consider the relationship that Adam had developed with the animal kingdom. Before Eve, the animals were Adam's only companions. He not only named and cared for them, but Adam probably spent many hours of enjoyment with the animals under his rule.

Then death came to the animal world. Genesis 3:21 gives a glimpse into God's redemptive plan. The details are hidden, but it is clearly implied that a blood sacrifice was made. Adam and Eve must have stood transfixed by the shocking sight as they witnessed one of their precious lambs, never having shown hostility or aggression, quietly obey the Creator's call.

What were they thinking as the Master laid His tender hand on the willing subject's neck? Were they horrified at their first sight of blood as the lamb's life ebbed away? Did they feel remorse that an innocent creature was bearing their death penalty and providing the necessary covering for their sin? Later, did they relive those moments every morning as they dressed in their garments of skin? Someday we may know the answers. But for now we understand that this sacrifice would be the first foreshadowing of the Lamb who would be slain for the sin of the world. This was the first hint of the ultimate sacrifice that would one day be made at the Cross.

Take Time to Reflect
How does the death of Christ relate to the sinful choices we have made as women and the breach in our relationship with God and others? Have you allowed your heart to grow cold and indifferent toward God's grace? Read Romans 3 and spend some time expressing gratitude for Christ's sacrifice.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Ask the Lord to provide the volunteers needed to assist in various areas throughout True Woman Wyoming Conference. We are hoping for some men (that aren't already caring for children in the absence of their mothers) to help in areas of lunch assembly, maintaining beverage/snack tables, cleaning and/or setting up for Sunday church after the conference and praying for the women during some of the conference time. Time commitment would be flexible based on availability of volunteer. If you know of men or teenage youth that may be willing to serve the women in this way, please reply to this email with a name and phone number/email address.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 29: The Wilderness is Looking Pretty Good

Scripture Focus: Song of Solomon 1-2

“Better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman.” —Proverbs 21:19, NKJV

“Most people know I’m a quadriplegic. I cannot fold clothes; but I can pray for, cheer on, encourage, support, listen to, applaud, and praise my husband. The secular feminist movement has virtually neutered men’s masculinity. As women, we can help reinforce those characteristics about a man that are truly praiseworthy. In so doing, we not only fulfill our Genesis 2 role of being a helpmate, but we help our husbands be the men God designed them to be. That’s a marvelous vocation.” — Joni Eareckson Tada*

Surely you’ve seen him trudging behind his wife in the mall. His eyes are glazed over and downcast. He seems to be in an almost comatose state. He is the “neutered man.” At one time he may have seen himself as some type of leader, exhibiting certain skills and strengths, willing to take a risk in order to achieve and explore, to conquer new territory and hurdle obstacles. He no longer tries. He has lost his zeal for living and his confidence as a man and leader. And the greatest risk he takes now is to make feeble suggestions to his domineering wife. If we could read his mind, would it be filled with resentment, or would we find a blank emptiness, the resentment long ago dissolved into an ocean of hopelessness?

Many women confuse their assigned role of “helper” with that of “controller.” Rather than cheering on their man, they resort to ordering him around. This type of woman sees her husband as less than what she thinks he should be and resorts to various pressure tactics to whip him into shape—for his own good, of course! Rather than applauding and praising his achievements, she finds ways to critique him with the justification that she is merely “helping” him. When silence and supportive smiles would be appropriate, she blasts him with her opinionated rhetoric until he quietly retreats.

The feminine role of helper does not imply silent acquiescence toward a mate who is clearly making foolish choices, but it is a role that finds creative and supportive means to bring out the best in the men around us. If the men around us have lost the joy of manhood, their confidence to lead, and the desire to cherish us, it may be that we have stripped them of their masculinity through our rejection of the helper role.

Take Time to Reflect
Do the men around you have the confidence to make leadership decisions, even if it means conflicting with your opinion? Do men seem to fear having discussions with you?If you are married, does your husband’s countenance and attitude reflect mature masculinity? Does your husband seem to resent you? Has your husband retreated into a “silent but safe” world?

Do you need to refuel your appreciation for your husband? Read Song of Solomon 1-2. Notice the words of admiration that the bride expresses. Also, if you have never taken the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for wives, consider doing so. If you are single, consider passing on the challenge to someone who is married. (You’ll also find encouragement for your relationship with Christ in the Song of Solomon reading!)

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for God to prepare the hearts of all of the women who will be attending True Woman Wyoming. Ask Him to speak His truth to the attendees during the conference and to grant His daughters the vision to see clearly the subtle- yet very dangerous- lies to enemy has used to make us behave like women of the world instead of women of the Word.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 30: Gender Conflict

Scripture Focus: Genesis 3

“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” —Genesis 3:16, NASB

In today’s Scripture Focus passage, God pronounces the chilling decree that frames the future for mankind in their new state as fallen creatures. The serpent’s enticing words have faded into a dim memory, the promise of godlike status having become nothing more than mockery. And the defiant assurance “You surely will not die!” (Genesis 3:4, NASB) has proven to be the biggest lie of all. We all die. In fact, because of the Fall, all of mankind would now be born spiritually dead. All that was produced from Eve’s dalliance with disobedience has been destructive, and we, as Eve’s daughters, are still dealing with it today.

Perhaps the most challenging consequence of Eve’s fall has to do with the issue of desire. The Hebrew word that is translated into our English word “desire” (Genesis 3:16) is an interesting noun. We find it in only two other verses in Scripture. Many scholars view this term as referring to the woman’s desire and urge to “rule over,” or dominate, her husband, when in fact the husband has been given the position of authority over her. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Whether single or married, most women struggle with this issue of control. We have an underlying drive to manipulate the men around us. We may not express it overtly, with harsh tones or verbal jabs; some of us may take a more subtle route—raised eyebrows and manipulative silence. Yet either way, men can become paralyzed in fear when faced with a domineering woman and give in to what is generally their common struggle: passivity. In spite of their God-given position of headship, many men would gladly abdicate their role and bestow that “honor” on the woman.

John MacArthur has said,

"Because of sin and the curse, the man and the woman will face struggles in their own relationship. Sin has turned the harmonious system of God-ordained roles into distasteful struggles of self-will. Life-long companions, husbands and wives, will need God’s help in getting along as a result. The woman’s desire will be to lord it over her husband, but the husband will rule by divine design (Eph. 5:22-25)."*

Take Time to Reflect
Evaluate your general approach to men. Do you typically view men as incompetent, less intelligent than you, insensitive, or immature? Consider whether you have any negative attitudes toward the male gender and how that might affect your treatment of men. Think through the events of Genesis 3. Ask yourself whether you recognize any tendencies in your own life that might be a result of the fallen desire to rule over men. Confess to God any areas where you are guilty of usurping man’s leadership role. Ask God to reveal to you what issues of the heart might be affecting your view of men. Also, ask Him to transform your thinking to enable you to view men with an attitude of respect that is compatible with their God-assigned position.

True Woman Prayer Focus
Ask God to give the men leading our churches His grace and strength, enabling them to accomplish all He desires from them as they serve Him. Pray for their wives and the women who serve alongside them in the ministry to be supportive, treating them with respect and affirming their leadership roles, so that they might have the confidence to live out biblical masculinity.

Pray for the pastors’ wives who will be attending True Woman Wyoming. Ask God to use the conference to encourage and strengthen them in their calling and ministry.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 31: Hiding from God

Scripture Focus: John 3:16-21

"They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God." -Genesis 3:8, NASB

Hiding. It is what we do when we're afraid, when we're ashamed, when we know we've messed up but we don't want to face the consequences. Once Eve sinned, what may have been a daily, joyous routine, sharing the evening hours with her Creator, now became something to dread. She found herself hiding from God-and even ashamed for her husband to see her as she was.

Are you in hiding?

It may be hard to admit that we are trying to avoid God. We may find plenty of excuses to skip Bible reading, steer clear of friends who might confront us, or simply stop listening to truth. Sometimes we've been in hiding for so long that we've forgotten the reason why. Hiding from God keeps us from His presence, which leads to spiritual drought.

"Silence is not golden when we use it to try to avoid the truth," say Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grissom. "Any attempt we make to hide from God-whether through silence or blatant lying-is absurd. Do we really believe God won't notice our sin or our efforts to conceal it?"*

Our attempts to hide from God are as juvenile as the two year old covering his eyes and believing that he is hidden from view. Yet when we are unwilling to discuss something with a godly counselor, when we resist the things of God, when we fill up our lives with enough activity to drown out the Spirit's conviction, we are in hiding mode.

Rather than fearing to come out into the open, we should fear the consequences of covering our sin. Consider this truth from the Word: "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. How blessed is the man who fears always, but he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity" (Proverbs 28:13-14, NASB).

A healthy fear of God leads to openness, honesty, and freedom. But fear of confessing our sins brings concealment, deception, and enslavement to our fears. Hiding seeks the darkness for its covering; confession seeks the light (John 3:19-21). Hiding is an attempt to deal with our sins independently from God; confession allows the blood of Christ to cover our sins.

Take Time to Reflect
Are there things you have kept hidden? Have you resorted to deception in an attempt to cover sin? Are you hiding from God because of resistance to His role and design for you as a woman? Do you have hidden sin in the area of moral purity? Is your pride keeping you from being honest? Is anything worth keeping you from experiencing God's presence? Prayerfully read John 3:16-21. Ask God to open your eyes to any sin you may have hidden for so long that you're no longer convicted. Ask God to soften your heart and make it sensitive to sin. Be willing to agree with God about your sin. Come clean and step into the light!

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
God will touch the hearts of women during the True Woman Wyoming Conference. Ask Him to give the planning committee sensitivity to His Spirit, along with discernment and compassion, as they pray for the women and the events being planned for the conference. Pray that women will not be "spectators," but will respond personally to the conviction and ministry of the Spirit. Pray for a spirit of brokenness throughout the weekend.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 32: Listening to Error Brings Deception

Scripture Focus: John 17

"The serpent said to the woman, 'You surely will not die!'" -Genesis 3:4, NASB

"Listening to things that are not true is the first step toward ultimate bondage and death. . There are no harmless lies. We cannot expose ourselves to the word's false, deceptive way of thinking and come out unscathed. Eve's first mistake was not eating the fruit; her first mistake was listening to the Serpent." - Nancy Leigh DeMoss*

What was Eve thinking? It is easy for us to scan the Genesis 3 account and roll our eyes at Eve's gullibility. But would we have fared any better in the situation? And honestly, do we manage any better as we battle deception on a daily basis?

One of the most amazing aspects of this biblical account is the fact that Eve so quickly abandoned her loyalty and confidence in her Creator. He had never given her any reason to question His care and commitment to her well-being, and yet she entertained doubts about His motives and character and then proceeded to defy His instructions. But is our progression toward disobedience any different? Do we have any reason to doubt God's care and commitment to us?

From the moment the serpent spoke words that contradicted her Creator, Eve should have had heard warning alarms sounding. "You surely will not die!" (Genesis 3:4, NASB). Who was this creature to contradict the Master? Not only did he directly contradict God, but he also brought slanderous accusation: "God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (verse 5, NASB). The statement was not completely false; Adam and Eve definitely had their eyes opened. But that wasn't a good thing, and this temptation to "be like God" is vastly overrated.

Why do we put ourselves in the position to function as god, when our godlike qualities are severely limited? We can't see into the future; we don't have all power; we can't fathom the concept of infinity. We even struggle at times to remember what we ate for lunch! And yet we keep trying to step into the God role and take charge of our lives-always the wrong choice.

How can we protect ourselves from this kind of deception? We must become discerning women-women who are trained to recognize error, who are so filled with the truth that when we are exposed to error the contrast is as jolting to us as ice-cold water thrown in the face.

Take Time to Reflect
Read Jesus' prayer in John 17. What does He refer to as "truth"? What is His main concern for His disciples? Are you easily misled? Do you struggle with being able to discern? What does Hebrews 5:14 say about this? Ask God to mature you in His Word, to use the knowledge of His truths to protect you from error. Consider whether you need to increase your consumption of truth.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Teresa Dick, Jodi Hubert, Jackie Huber, Brenda Szymczak, Deb Magee and Linda Olsen will be speaking at and organizing the True Woman Wyoming Conference. They are also taking forty days leading up to the conference to prepare their hearts and messages. Ask God to give them wisdom, courage, and fresh anointing of the Spirit as they deliver the Word during their scheduled sessions. Ask Him to pour out His Spirit in those sessions.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 33: Complementary Versus Competing

Scripture Focus: Mark 9:33-41

"Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted." -Matthew 23:12, NASB

"The role of men and women in ministry is complementary. True enrichment for both Christian men and women comes when these roles are fulfilled side-by-side. A woman's ministry is primarily maternal in flavor and style, and the man's is primarily paternal. This marvelous and rich role difference should be celebrated and reflected. It's cooperative ministry."
-Joni Eareckson Tada*

You've just completed your first week of heart preparation for the True Woman Wyoming conference. We trust that you are sensing God at work in your life, as you consider His wonderful plan for women. This week, we're going to go a little deeper. Hang in there with us-you don't want to miss out on what God has in store for you!

The woman was created to fulfill a vital role in man's life, serving as his co-regent over creation and functioning as his helper. Some women react to the concept of being a "helper," as if that were an inferior position. But to the contrary, the helper role is honorable, vital, and can be embraced when it is seen as a necessary complement for the man.

Let's look at one "helper" whom Jesus commended as the greatest Old Testament prophet. In the Gospel narratives, John the Baptist stands out as a premier player, one of a kind and necessary in preparing the way for the coming King. But what did John say of Jesus and himself? "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30, NASB). Why didn't John grasp for fame? Why didn't he grumble over losing the following he had acquired in his wilderness ministry? Because he understood the principle "It's all about Him; it's not about me."

Do we view John as less than the impacting proclaimer that he was because he played a supporting role when the Son of Man arrived on the scene? No, we hold him in even higher regard for humbly taking his rightful position as the "preparer of the way" while refusing to be proclaimed as "The Way."

So, why do we, as women, sometimes take offense at being considered a supporting player rather than the leading character when it comes to God-assigned roles? Somehow we've convinced ourselves that there is less value in this position, so we view our role as demeaning or as less significant than the man's. Where did that kind of thinking come from? Perhaps during a dialogue in Eden? We'll take a look at that fateful exchange tomorrow.

Take Time to Reflect
How did Jesus respond to His disciples' competitive spirit in Mark 9:33-37? Do you compete with the men around you, or do you try to use your gifts and abilities to complement them? Do you seek to honor worthy men in respectful and appropriate ways, or do you have a demeaning attitude toward men? Ask God to open your eyes to your own attitude and behavior.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray that a spirit of humility will permeate the conference. Pray that the speakers, team members, and women in attendance will submit to the convicting presence of Almighty God. Pray also for a spirit of prayer throughout the weekend. Pray that women will be moved to cry out to the Lord on behalf of our lives, families, churches, and nation.

*Interview with Joni Eareckson Tada,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 34: Is There a Difference?

Scripture Focus: John 13

"The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'" -Genesis 2:18, NASB

"Woman was made by God to meet man's deficiency." -John MacArthur*

God designed a beautiful, complementary union between man and woman that would function in harmony. He created man first and gave specific responsibilities to him before woman ever appeared on the scene. And yet, although God designed man as the leader and gave him the responsibility of headship, this in no way implies that he occupies a superior position in relation to the woman.

John Piper describes the leadership role of man in this way: "The call to leadership is not a call to exalt ourselves over any woman. It is not a call to domineer, or belittle or put woman in her place. The call to leadership is a call to humble oneself and take the responsibility to be a servant-leader in ways that are appropriate to every different relationship to women."**

In the woman's role of helper, she is called to support the man's leadership and enable him to function in his God-assigned role. And yet the woman's assigned role is one that requires significant contribution. A married woman, in particular, is to use her God-given gifts and abilities to aid her husband as his partner, bringing to the relationship her distinct strengths and insights as a woman. In this way she will serve as a complement to him.

A two-headed relationship, in which each individual is vying for power and control, is ineffective and will ultimately self-destruct. God turns this way of thinking upside down. He calls for the man to be a servant-leader and the woman to be a helper-partner. Additionally, He calls for the men to cherish and care for their wives, loving them in the same selfless, serving way that Christ loves His Bride, the Church.

Take Time to Reflect
Do you embrace or resent the "helper" role? Do you view this calling as demeaning, of less importance than the man's role? Read John 13 and reflect on Jesus' example as a servant-leader. Do you view Jesus as less valuable than the disciples because of His taking a helper's role in ministering to His disciples? Ask God to reveal any areas of pride that may be causing you to resist the idea of being your husband's helper.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
The True Woman Wyoming Conference is less than five weeks away and there is still much work to do. Pray for the many True Woman Wyoming team members who are playing supportive, helper roles in preparation for this conference. Ask God to grant His grace, wisdom, patience, and unity. Pray that these women may be able to serve with joy.

*John MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006), 19. (NOTE: Taken from Gen. 2:18 Study notes)
** John Piper, What's the Difference? (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1990), 38.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 35: My Role in the Big Picture

Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 11:1-16

“Man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake.” —1 Corinthians 11:9, NASB

One of the nagging characteristics of fallen man (and woman!) is the tendency to elevate our personal ambitions, concerns, and future above all else. In this way, not only do we lose sight of the big picture, but in fact we become the big picture. What a mistake! And that’s why we must always remember that this life is not all about us.

In many ways our view of life is similar to that of the child who, when putting together a puzzle, places his entire focus on one puzzle piece. Many of us become so enamored with our colorful, one-dimensional puzzle piece that we begin to view the edges of this irregularly shaped piece of cardboard as the boundaries of the universe. We proudly think that the world evolves around us and that our puzzle piece is the big picture!

Sadly, we forget that we are merely one piece of the puzzle in God’s grand scheme of redemption, and that He is the One ordering the placement of each piece in His Big Picture!

For women who struggle with pride, 1 Corinthians 11:9 can be hard to swallow, especially if we are still struck by the idea that our puzzle piece is the necessary component for the universe. “What do you mean I was created for the man’s sake?!” we might say. Or our first reaction when reading this portion of Scripture may be to argue for a more prominent position or at least to say, “Hey, couldn’t I just be created for my own sake? What does a man have to do with it?” If your reaction is something like that, perhaps it is time to take a humble step back before you offer your challenges and objections to God’s infallible Word.

Take Time to Reflect
Do you view individuals who serve in roles that require following their leader’s instructions as being less valuable than the leader? Do you find it difficult to honor authority? Slowly work through 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. (A good commentary is helpful when studying this passage.) Are there any things in this passage that you find offensive? Does this uncover any heart issues that you need to deal with? If so, why? Spend some time asking God to give you His honest evaluation. Over the next several weeks you may be tempted to give up or skip this devotional study. We hope you’ll persevere through this time of heart preparation. Ask God to reveal any areas in your life that may be hindering you in fulfilling your role as a biblical woman.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray that God will soften the hearts of women who struggle with submission in their marriages.

Lift up the broken hearted women who have experienced loss of a spouse through divorce or death. Pray that the words of Scripture will be like a healing balm for wounds that go deep into the heart.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 36: Image Bearers

Scripture Focus: Psalm 8
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” —Genesis 1:27, NASB

The True Woman Wyoming conference is thirty-five days away, and although that may seem like a long time, you will be amazed how quickly the time flies by. You will also be amazed to see what God will do in your heart as you come to Him each day. He longs to work in your life, dear friend. And as He does so, consider the way in which you are related to Him, as seen in the creation story.

With the creation of mankind, God did a unique work, a “new thing”—something He had not done before. He created image bearers. That is, He placed mankind in a class of its own—above plant and animal life. He gave man the ability to reason and choose and gave him the authority to rule, having dominion over creation. Just as God functions with intellect, will, and emotion, so also God gave man the opportunity to use these capabilities in his relationship with God and others.

Of course, man is limited in his demonstration of God’s attributes and the extent to which he is free to function. For example, he is limited by a physical body to the earthly realm and is not free to roam the spirit world; he is not omnipresent. His intellect is limited in comparison to God’s, which is filled with all knowledge.

But even under the limitations that come with the state of humanity, our Creator has granted us an extremely privileged position. And it is clear from Scripture that both male and female are equally awarded this special status. Both are extremely valuable to God in our distinctive roles and functions. Both men and women are designed by God to reflect His image through our particular differences and our God-given identities as male and female.

As image bearers, we can embrace the opportunity to reflect God’s character and attributes in our role as women. Using our exclusive design and beautiful female complexity, we can reflect the image of our Creator in a manner that only we can fulfill. Why would we want to minimize our female identity and thereby forfeit the plan that God put into place for our gender as image bearers?

Take Time to Reflect
Consider the honor that God has given to mankind as you read His thoughts on this subject in Psalm 8. Pray this psalm back to Him as a statement of praise. How are you portraying to others what God is like by functioning in the position of image bearer? In what ways can you, as a woman, distinctly exalt God through your womanhood? Is this a role that you are embracing or rejecting?

True Woman Prayer Focus
Ask God to work in women’s hearts through the truth of His Word as it is proclaimed during the True Woman Wyoming conference. Ask Him to raise up a new generation of women who embrace their calling as women created in the image of God.

Ask God to use this conference to help give birth to a widespread movement of “true women”—women of faith, purity, love, holiness, humility, and joy—women who will fulfill God’s created design and purpose in our communities—“for such a time as this”!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 37: This Is Good

Scripture Focus: Genesis 2
“God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”—Genesis 1:31, NKJV

Throughout Genesis 1-2, we see God repeatedly affirming the quality of His work as He views each part of His creation and evaluates it as “good.” However, there is one thing that He says is lacking—man is not complete without his complement: woman.

The woman was not an afterthought; God did not suddenly realize that He was missing something when populating His earthly paradise. No, man was created first—but woman was in the mind of God before the first molecule of earth was spoken into existence.

At the right time God presented Adam with His crowning glory--Eve! Intimately created from the bone and flesh of her future husband, this creature was unique in every way. She was presented to the man as a beautifully designed gift from his Maker. Man was the physical source God used in forming the woman. She was given life as an individual, but her original composition was from the man’s own body.

Think about it—his body was broken sacrificially to provide the necessary physical components to produce his bride. Why did God take woman out of man? Was God limited to providing man with a mate derived from “used” materials? Why didn’t God create woman ex nihilo (out of nothing), as He did the heavens and the earth? Or why didn’t God use rock or earth, marble even, to chisel an exquisite being to delight Adam?

God had a perfect and noble purpose in creating woman from man. Woman is intimately connected with man as her fleshly source. Although the heart of fallen woman seeks to dominate man, he was not created from her or for her—she was created from and for man. And God saw that it was good, even very good!

Take Time to Reflect
In what ways do you think woman was intended to complement man? Whether married or single, what are some ways you can encourage the men around you? How can you help them to fulfill their role and purpose as men? Read the creation account in Genesis 2; then ask God to help you see His purpose for you as a woman. Be open to what He desires to teach you.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for other women who are joining you in seeking the Lord and preparing their hearts to hear the Word of God at this conference. Pray that over these next weeks God will create circumstances in the lives of those who will be attending, to make them conscious of their need for Him! Pray for women who are still in need of finances to cover the expenses related to coming to the True Woman Wyoming conference. Ask God to provide all that is needed for each woman.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 38: Life Is Sacred

Scripture Focus: Genesis 1
“The LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” —Genesis 2:7, NASB

“We waste our lives when we do not pray and think and dream and plan and work toward magnifying God in all spheres of life.” —John Piper*

Sometimes we can forget that life is a sacred gift from our good Creator. The fact that you are a living being is not something to be taken for granted. God had a purpose in giving you the life that He did!

As a woman, you not only have the gift of physical life, but also you’ve been designed to use your gender to glorify God. You were not created by mistake or as an afterthought. Rather, God artistically and intelligently formed you distinctively as a woman for His great purpose. Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss out on His plan and purposes for your life because of an unwillingness to find contentment and value in your role as a woman?

Sadly, many women have resisted God’s purpose in their gender and have wasted years by trying to reinvent their identity. In this way, women are left wounded and confused, wondering what went wrong. God had something much better in mind for women when He gave them life.
As John Piper has said,

"This is the way God meant it to be before there was any sin in the world: sinless man, full of love, in his tender, strong, moral leadership in relation to woman; and sinless woman, full of love, in her joyful, responsive support for man’s leadership. No belittling from the man, no groveling from the woman. Two intelligent, humble, God-entranced beings living out, in beautiful harmony, their unique and different responsibilities."**
  • Take Time to Reflect
Do you view life as a sacred gift, an opportunity to glorify God in the way He created you and through the role He’s assigned to you? How are you demonstrating contentment or discontentment in your womanhood? Thoughtfully read through the creation account in Genesis 1. As you do so, ask God to give you insight into your own heart and attitudes toward womanhood.
  • True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
We are thankful that God has allowed us to bring this conference to our community. We are praising Him for the way He is orchestrating and bringing together all the events of this conference. Pray for the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and that women will be open and responsive to what God lays on their hearts.

*John Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2003), 32.
**John Piper, What’s the Difference? (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1990), 65.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 39: For Such a Time as This

Scripture Focus: Esther
“Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” —Esther 4:14, NKJV

“I believe the time is ripe for a new movement—a seismic holy quake of countercultural men and women who dare to take God at His Word and who have the courage to believe and delight in God’s plan for male and female.” —Mary Kassian

Do you sense that God is desiring to do a new thing in our world? Do you see the need for a cultural transformation in which women will embrace God’s created design for their lives? Are you willing to endure personal sacrifice, if necessary, in order to take a stand and fulfill your role as a biblical woman in this hour? Perhaps you were born in this moment of time in history in order to be used as an integral part of this work of God. Are you willing?

Embracing our calling as women has far greater implications than what can be accomplished in just one woman’s life, as important as that is. Imagine what might occur if even a small, but deeply committed, Spirit-empowered group of women began to submit to God’s kingdom purposes, first in each one’s individual walk with Him, then in homes, churches, and workplaces, and ultimately resulting in a mighty movement of God-fearing, Christ-exalting women across this state.

Many years ago, God placed a young Jewish girl on the throne of one of the most powerful world kingdoms in order to accomplish His purposes for that hour in history. When her people were threatened with genocide, Esther was willing to suffer the consequences of taking a stand on their behalf. Look around. Do you see the great need of our day? Do you see women fulfilling their purpose? Do you see homes that are reflecting God’s glory? Sadly, we are witnessing the tragic consequences of unbiblical thinking and living as women.

Consider the cost involved in being a “True Woman” in our day. For you, it may mean surrendering some of what you view to be your personal “rights.” To be a part of this movement may require some changes in your lifestyle: time spent in prayer, a vocational change, a simplifying of your schedule, or a new approach in the way you interact with others. To begin with, are you willing to use the next thirty-eight days to prepare your heart for the True Woman Wyoming conference? Will you approach this study with honesty and humility, allowing the Lord to challenge any unbiblical thinking you may have? Are you willing to evaluate your attitudes and actions as a woman under the authority of Scripture? Perhaps you were born for this purpose—to be a part of a seismic “holy quake” of countercultural women who dare to take God at His word!
  • Take Time to Reflect
Review the life of Esther. What personal risk did she take by interceding for her people? What are some of the cultural indicators that point to a need for a cultural revolution in our day? Do you believe the time has come for a new movement among believers that will result in living out God’s design for men and women? How will you respond to this need?
  • True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
The True Woman Wyoming conference team, under the direction of Pastor Jack Olsen and the Cornerstone Women's Ministry Team, have been hard at work preparing for the True Woman Wyoming conference for nearly six months. Ask God to give them much wisdom, grace, and strength during these final weeks leading up to the conference.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 40: Now Is the Time

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 43"Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?"-Isaiah 43:19, NKJV

We're so glad that you have decided to come to True Woman Wyoming '09! We are asking God to meet with each woman who is a part of this event. We've prepared a special devotional, a 40-day journey, to help you prepare your heart for what God wants to do in your life during the conference.

At the end of each day's study, you'll find a prayer focus with specific requests related to the True Woman Wyoming conference. Prayer is vital as we anticipate all that God wants to do in the lives of women "for such a time as this." Be assured that the True Woman Wyoming team is also praying for you as you begin this journey with Him.

Let's start with a little glimpse back in history to see God at work changing hearts and lives. There are times in history when God chooses to change the course and direction of a nation in order to accomplish His purposes. It has been 150 years since America experienced what has been called the Third Great Awakening. During a period of two years (1857-59), anywhere from 500,000 to 1,000,000 individuals were added to the church, and at one point 50,000 people were coming to Christ every week! This work of God could be considered one of those rare moments in history when God awakened an almost spiritually comatose church in order to do a "new thing."

We believe America is ripe for another great movement of God. The family has never been more vulnerable; this nation has never seen such a rapid period of moral decline; there are more "fatherless" children, a higher divorce rate, and fewer mothers at home to invest in their children's lives than at any other point in our nation's history. Our nation has succumbed to destructive ways of thinking and living that have struck a blow to the foundation of our society. Could it be that God is beginning to put in place the components necessary for Him to do a new work, to accomplish a spiritual revolution among women that will affect relationships, homes, churches, and ultimately our nation?

It is natural to fear change, to be cautious of a "new" way of thinking. But are you willing to consider that there may be some things that need to be changed, not only in our nation, not only in your friends' lives, but in your own heart? This could be the time that God wants to do a new work in your life!

Many women are joining together to prepare their hearts for the True Woman Wyoming conference by working through this daily devotional guide. As you begin this period of preparation, as we individually respond to the work of the Spirit of God, as we line up our lives under the authority of His Word, the impact of our obedience may grow into a powerful rushing wind that will sweep across our communities, birthing a "new thing"!

  • Take Time to Reflect
    Isaiah 43 is filled with comforting reassurances of God's unfailing commitment to His people. Although as a nation Israel had repeatedly turned from Him and encountered His judgment, He was giving His people the promise of a "new work." As you read through the closing verses of this chapter, see what parallels you can find with our nation's spiritual condition and also with your own spiritual condition. Ask God to perform the necessary heart preparation in order for you to receive the "new thing" that He desires to accomplish in your life.
  • True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
    Ask God to begin giving women His vision for a movement that will impact our homes, churches, communities, and world for His glory. Pray for God to use the True Woman Wyoming conference to awaken women's desire to embrace their design and role as women.Pray that this conference will not be just a one-time event, but that the Lord will use it to help give birth to "a new thing"- a counter-cultural movement of revival and reformation in the hearts women throughout Casper, Wyoming, and beyond.