Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 39: For Such a Time as This

Scripture Focus: Esther
“Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” —Esther 4:14, NKJV

“I believe the time is ripe for a new movement—a seismic holy quake of countercultural men and women who dare to take God at His Word and who have the courage to believe and delight in God’s plan for male and female.” —Mary Kassian

Do you sense that God is desiring to do a new thing in our world? Do you see the need for a cultural transformation in which women will embrace God’s created design for their lives? Are you willing to endure personal sacrifice, if necessary, in order to take a stand and fulfill your role as a biblical woman in this hour? Perhaps you were born in this moment of time in history in order to be used as an integral part of this work of God. Are you willing?

Embracing our calling as women has far greater implications than what can be accomplished in just one woman’s life, as important as that is. Imagine what might occur if even a small, but deeply committed, Spirit-empowered group of women began to submit to God’s kingdom purposes, first in each one’s individual walk with Him, then in homes, churches, and workplaces, and ultimately resulting in a mighty movement of God-fearing, Christ-exalting women across this state.

Many years ago, God placed a young Jewish girl on the throne of one of the most powerful world kingdoms in order to accomplish His purposes for that hour in history. When her people were threatened with genocide, Esther was willing to suffer the consequences of taking a stand on their behalf. Look around. Do you see the great need of our day? Do you see women fulfilling their purpose? Do you see homes that are reflecting God’s glory? Sadly, we are witnessing the tragic consequences of unbiblical thinking and living as women.

Consider the cost involved in being a “True Woman” in our day. For you, it may mean surrendering some of what you view to be your personal “rights.” To be a part of this movement may require some changes in your lifestyle: time spent in prayer, a vocational change, a simplifying of your schedule, or a new approach in the way you interact with others. To begin with, are you willing to use the next thirty-eight days to prepare your heart for the True Woman Wyoming conference? Will you approach this study with honesty and humility, allowing the Lord to challenge any unbiblical thinking you may have? Are you willing to evaluate your attitudes and actions as a woman under the authority of Scripture? Perhaps you were born for this purpose—to be a part of a seismic “holy quake” of countercultural women who dare to take God at His word!
  • Take Time to Reflect
Review the life of Esther. What personal risk did she take by interceding for her people? What are some of the cultural indicators that point to a need for a cultural revolution in our day? Do you believe the time has come for a new movement among believers that will result in living out God’s design for men and women? How will you respond to this need?
  • True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
The True Woman Wyoming conference team, under the direction of Pastor Jack Olsen and the Cornerstone Women's Ministry Team, have been hard at work preparing for the True Woman Wyoming conference for nearly six months. Ask God to give them much wisdom, grace, and strength during these final weeks leading up to the conference.

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