Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 36: Image Bearers

Scripture Focus: Psalm 8
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” —Genesis 1:27, NASB

The True Woman Wyoming conference is thirty-five days away, and although that may seem like a long time, you will be amazed how quickly the time flies by. You will also be amazed to see what God will do in your heart as you come to Him each day. He longs to work in your life, dear friend. And as He does so, consider the way in which you are related to Him, as seen in the creation story.

With the creation of mankind, God did a unique work, a “new thing”—something He had not done before. He created image bearers. That is, He placed mankind in a class of its own—above plant and animal life. He gave man the ability to reason and choose and gave him the authority to rule, having dominion over creation. Just as God functions with intellect, will, and emotion, so also God gave man the opportunity to use these capabilities in his relationship with God and others.

Of course, man is limited in his demonstration of God’s attributes and the extent to which he is free to function. For example, he is limited by a physical body to the earthly realm and is not free to roam the spirit world; he is not omnipresent. His intellect is limited in comparison to God’s, which is filled with all knowledge.

But even under the limitations that come with the state of humanity, our Creator has granted us an extremely privileged position. And it is clear from Scripture that both male and female are equally awarded this special status. Both are extremely valuable to God in our distinctive roles and functions. Both men and women are designed by God to reflect His image through our particular differences and our God-given identities as male and female.

As image bearers, we can embrace the opportunity to reflect God’s character and attributes in our role as women. Using our exclusive design and beautiful female complexity, we can reflect the image of our Creator in a manner that only we can fulfill. Why would we want to minimize our female identity and thereby forfeit the plan that God put into place for our gender as image bearers?

Take Time to Reflect
Consider the honor that God has given to mankind as you read His thoughts on this subject in Psalm 8. Pray this psalm back to Him as a statement of praise. How are you portraying to others what God is like by functioning in the position of image bearer? In what ways can you, as a woman, distinctly exalt God through your womanhood? Is this a role that you are embracing or rejecting?

True Woman Prayer Focus
Ask God to work in women’s hearts through the truth of His Word as it is proclaimed during the True Woman Wyoming conference. Ask Him to raise up a new generation of women who embrace their calling as women created in the image of God.

Ask God to use this conference to help give birth to a widespread movement of “true women”—women of faith, purity, love, holiness, humility, and joy—women who will fulfill God’s created design and purpose in our communities—“for such a time as this”!

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