Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 34: Is There a Difference?

Scripture Focus: John 13

"The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'" -Genesis 2:18, NASB

"Woman was made by God to meet man's deficiency." -John MacArthur*

God designed a beautiful, complementary union between man and woman that would function in harmony. He created man first and gave specific responsibilities to him before woman ever appeared on the scene. And yet, although God designed man as the leader and gave him the responsibility of headship, this in no way implies that he occupies a superior position in relation to the woman.

John Piper describes the leadership role of man in this way: "The call to leadership is not a call to exalt ourselves over any woman. It is not a call to domineer, or belittle or put woman in her place. The call to leadership is a call to humble oneself and take the responsibility to be a servant-leader in ways that are appropriate to every different relationship to women."**

In the woman's role of helper, she is called to support the man's leadership and enable him to function in his God-assigned role. And yet the woman's assigned role is one that requires significant contribution. A married woman, in particular, is to use her God-given gifts and abilities to aid her husband as his partner, bringing to the relationship her distinct strengths and insights as a woman. In this way she will serve as a complement to him.

A two-headed relationship, in which each individual is vying for power and control, is ineffective and will ultimately self-destruct. God turns this way of thinking upside down. He calls for the man to be a servant-leader and the woman to be a helper-partner. Additionally, He calls for the men to cherish and care for their wives, loving them in the same selfless, serving way that Christ loves His Bride, the Church.

Take Time to Reflect
Do you embrace or resent the "helper" role? Do you view this calling as demeaning, of less importance than the man's role? Read John 13 and reflect on Jesus' example as a servant-leader. Do you view Jesus as less valuable than the disciples because of His taking a helper's role in ministering to His disciples? Ask God to reveal any areas of pride that may be causing you to resist the idea of being your husband's helper.

True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
The True Woman Wyoming Conference is less than five weeks away and there is still much work to do. Pray for the many True Woman Wyoming team members who are playing supportive, helper roles in preparation for this conference. Ask God to grant His grace, wisdom, patience, and unity. Pray that these women may be able to serve with joy.

*John MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006), 19. (NOTE: Taken from Gen. 2:18 Study notes)
** John Piper, What's the Difference? (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1990), 38.

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