Now is the time for a REVIVAL of our homes, communities,

and the entire culture for His GLORY,

centered on the authority of His WORD.

Make plans now to join us on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 4100 Casper Mountain Rd.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 30: Gender Conflict

Scripture Focus: Genesis 3

“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” —Genesis 3:16, NASB

In today’s Scripture Focus passage, God pronounces the chilling decree that frames the future for mankind in their new state as fallen creatures. The serpent’s enticing words have faded into a dim memory, the promise of godlike status having become nothing more than mockery. And the defiant assurance “You surely will not die!” (Genesis 3:4, NASB) has proven to be the biggest lie of all. We all die. In fact, because of the Fall, all of mankind would now be born spiritually dead. All that was produced from Eve’s dalliance with disobedience has been destructive, and we, as Eve’s daughters, are still dealing with it today.

Perhaps the most challenging consequence of Eve’s fall has to do with the issue of desire. The Hebrew word that is translated into our English word “desire” (Genesis 3:16) is an interesting noun. We find it in only two other verses in Scripture. Many scholars view this term as referring to the woman’s desire and urge to “rule over,” or dominate, her husband, when in fact the husband has been given the position of authority over her. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Whether single or married, most women struggle with this issue of control. We have an underlying drive to manipulate the men around us. We may not express it overtly, with harsh tones or verbal jabs; some of us may take a more subtle route—raised eyebrows and manipulative silence. Yet either way, men can become paralyzed in fear when faced with a domineering woman and give in to what is generally their common struggle: passivity. In spite of their God-given position of headship, many men would gladly abdicate their role and bestow that “honor” on the woman.

John MacArthur has said,

"Because of sin and the curse, the man and the woman will face struggles in their own relationship. Sin has turned the harmonious system of God-ordained roles into distasteful struggles of self-will. Life-long companions, husbands and wives, will need God’s help in getting along as a result. The woman’s desire will be to lord it over her husband, but the husband will rule by divine design (Eph. 5:22-25)."*

Take Time to Reflect
Evaluate your general approach to men. Do you typically view men as incompetent, less intelligent than you, insensitive, or immature? Consider whether you have any negative attitudes toward the male gender and how that might affect your treatment of men. Think through the events of Genesis 3. Ask yourself whether you recognize any tendencies in your own life that might be a result of the fallen desire to rule over men. Confess to God any areas where you are guilty of usurping man’s leadership role. Ask God to reveal to you what issues of the heart might be affecting your view of men. Also, ask Him to transform your thinking to enable you to view men with an attitude of respect that is compatible with their God-assigned position.

True Woman Prayer Focus
Ask God to give the men leading our churches His grace and strength, enabling them to accomplish all He desires from them as they serve Him. Pray for their wives and the women who serve alongside them in the ministry to be supportive, treating them with respect and affirming their leadership roles, so that they might have the confidence to live out biblical masculinity.

Pray for the pastors’ wives who will be attending True Woman Wyoming. Ask God to use the conference to encourage and strengthen them in their calling and ministry.

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