Scripture Focus: 1 Peter 2
"You are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." -1 Peter 2:9, NASB
Over the past two weeks of seeking God to prepare your heart, are you finding a new focus on who you are in Him? Do you have a fresh appreciation for His love in providing His Son as a sacrifice for you? Aren't you glad He chose you?
Ask yourself this: Why did God choose you? Why would He determine to set His affection on you and purchase you as His own possession? It's mind-boggling to think about, isn't it?!
God told the people of Israel why He chose them. It wasn't because they were holier than others or because they had some special inroad to God. He chose them and redeemed them, simply because He loved them, and so that they might display His grace and faithfulness to the world.
The same goes for us. When our lives fit God's design, when His purposes are being lived out in us, and when others can see the demonstration of His power at work in our lives, then we are showcasing the splendor of who He is.
It works something like this: When the wife who would naturally be a controlling nag begins to be transformed by the grace and power of Christ . . . when the domineering woman surrenders her need to be "in charge" and begins to treat the men in her workplace with kindness and respect . . . when a woman is willing to live counter-culturally in order to fulfill God's role for her life-then the world has living proof of God's reality.
This issue of being God's own possession should settle a lot of our struggles. When we start to grumble and complain about the guidelines of Scripture, we need to stop and remember that we are the Lord's possession-His personal property! That means He has all rights and authority over our lives. He knows best; we don't. The recognition that we belong to Him should move us to wave the white flag of surrender and say, Yes, Lord!
Take Time to Reflect
Do you picture yourself as independent and in charge of your life? Do you struggle with the fact that you are God's possession, or does that fact bring you a sense of comfort and delight? In what ways can others see the living proof of God's reality in your life? What practical evidence has there been in your life this week that you belong to God?Meditate on 1 Peter 2. Allow the example of Christ, His reaction to suffering, and the role that He took in securing you for His possession to give you a greater appreciation for Him. Thank Him for choosing you as His possession, and ask Him to use you in proclaiming His excellence. Determine to demonstrate living proof of God's reality.
True Woman Wyoming Prayer Focus
Pray for the team of ladies planning the True Woman Wyoming event. Please pray that they are refreshed and encouraged by the Lord's presence. Ask that God would to give them His sustaining grace in these final weeks before the conference begins. Ask Him to pour out His blessing on their lives for diligent and humble service.
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